How to survive a relationship break up
Whether you initiated or were on the receiving end of a breakup, the loss of a relationship; a bond between intimates can be one of the most painful experiences of our lives.
Why do you need a counsellor?
Is it time to unlock new possibilities. . . of things you crave or struggle with in your life?
It may be you feel stuck or have no sense of purpose.
How does counselling help?
At The Health and Wellbeing Studio, we have been reflecting on what might inspire people to really look after themselves, not just the physical but also the mental, emotional, spiritual and relational aspects of life.
Is it worth seeing a relationship counsellor?
Relationships are fundamental to our wellbeing. So if you're struggling with relationships in any domain of life seeking the support of a relationship counsellor with specialist training in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is worth considering.
How to enjoy a family holiday
Many come to the end of a year and reflect on what they want to leave behind.
Is love enough to sustain a relationship?
"All you need is love"
The Beatles message was simple, in communicating love is everything. When it comes to your health and wellbeing there is in fact some truth to it.
Is doing more housework the difference between a happy and unhappy marriage?
‘If men did the housework more…’
I finally had a quiet moment to sit down and catch up on The Age, Sunday Life magazine (a weekly ritual for me). Life Matters, was written by Kathy Lette last weekend.
A thought... about human connection
"we are who we are because of our connection to others. And this is what makes us happy. " (Ubuntu philosophy)
How do you improve communication in a relationship? Does it make a difference?
“We just need to learn to communicate better”
Improving communication or more specifically learning how to resolve conflict is perhaps one of the biggest myths about creating a successful relationship.
A thought about marriage
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. ” - Friedrich Nietzsche
Make an enquiry
If you wish to schedule an appointment, are curious to know more about courses, coaching, supervision or retreats, then please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as possible.