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Grief and Loss Counselling

Throughout our lives, we all experience loss. Grief is a normal and natural response to experiences of loss. Some experiences of loss are more difficult to cope with than others, emotions may be more intense and affect every aspect of our life.

Who is grief and loss counselling for?

  • When someone we care about dies
  • A relationship changes due to infidelity, conflict or serious illness
  • A relationship ends through separation or divorce
  • Redundancy or other job loss or change occurs
  • There are changes to our sense of self, following the diagnosis and treatment of serious illness

Grief and loss counselling can help you:

  • Reduce the sense of isolation and aloneness
  • Help make sense of the experience
  • Manage feelings of distress
  • Increase your sense of wellbeing
  • Re-establish the ability to manage the tasks of daily life
  • Renew a sense of connection and the wellbeing of your relationships with others
  • Restore your sense of self

Experiences of loss involve a period of transition as we make sense of what has changed in our life. While the loss is always part of our life experience, it takes time to learn new skills, restore wellbeing and recover a sense of self. 

Make an enquiry

If you wish to schedule an appointment, are curious to know more about courses, coaching, supervision or retreats, then please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

For appointment enquiries, please indicate your availability by selecting the times below.


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