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Resilience Counselling

Everyday we experience uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. We are vulnerable. Yet, there are a number of factors that influence our ability to develop strategies to move through life's challenges and cultivate resilience. 

We encounter obstacles on every journey we make: the Wholehearted journey is no exception. (Brené Brown)

Who is resilience counselling for?

Adversity can emerge in any domain of life, as a result of developmental experiences, trauma, tragedy, threat or other significant sources of stress. Sometimes we need support to develop a process of positive adaptation.

 Resilience counselling can help you:

  • Learn how to lean into uncomfortable emotions
  • Manage feelings of distress and develop a greater sense of calm
  • Develop strategies to enhance your capacity to cope
  • Problem solve and identify inner resources to respond
  • Identify and develop personal strategies to enhance resilience
  • Renew a sense of connection with others
  • Problem solve and identify inner resources to respond
  • Maintain hope
  • Build shame resilience
  • Reduce the sense of isolation and aloneness
  • Cultivate courage and self compassion
  • Restore your sense of self and a feeling of wellbeing

Being resilient does not mean the absence of struggle or distress. The road to resilience is likely to be paved with considerable emotional vulnerability.  As a dynamic process of adaptation, resilience counselling will help you identify your own sources of strength and develop ways of responding to adversity that restore a sense of wellbeing. 

Make an enquiry

If you wish to schedule an appointment, are curious to know more about courses, coaching, supervision or retreats, then please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

For appointment enquiries, please indicate your availability by selecting the times below.


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